Sunday, February 8, 2009


Just having your basic Sunday. Chip ice for an hour in the driveway, while doing laundry and making Chicken Schnitzel for dinner -oh and calling 911.

Wha? Oh sure, I get the schnitzel, but what's with 911??! Well, as I was doing laundry, I went to switch the load from washer to dryer and when I went into the basement I was hit with a VERY strong smell of something wrong! Not sure if it was gas or fire!! I didn't see anything, and sniffed around and then decided, not taking any chances...I called 911.

The nice woman said, "Where is your emergency?" And I like an idiot said, (I'm not making this up either) "My house." She said (dripping in sarcasm by the way) "Welll, I don't know where you live."

Anyway, back to the Fire Dept. They came shortly afterwards, went downstairs (which was made for short people) and immediately thought it was a belt gone bad on my washer, and the smell was burnt rubber. Phew.

By the way, I could not have looked more like garbage with my (again, not kidding) "I Love Sanjaya" t-shirt on and sweats. Good God. And these firemen were so rugged and handsome too. Geesh.

All I can say is:
a) thank God it wasn't a fire and b) thank God I wasn't dying my mustache!

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