Sunday, February 15, 2009


One of the things I absolutely hate, is waking up late for work. I have to say that my track record is pretty good. It rarely happens. In fact, the last time it happend 15 months ago, Meredith and Jeff called the police. No kidding.

In November of 2007, I overslept one Thursday morning. They tried to call my cell phone and home phone, but I didn't have the phone in my bedroom plugged in. Plus, I have lived in some heavy traffic areas, and can not sleep without the white noise of a fan. So, fan going + the phone unplugged = call 911.

The police came (this is near 630am now) and pound 28 times on my front door with their billy club (how do I know this? I counted the dents). I finally woke up and staggered downstairs to find my boss on the phone saying, "She's okay!" and a nice officer staring at me like, "This is why I went to the Academy?"

Again, that was 15 months ago. But Friday morning, a morning that I wanted to get into work early - I overslept once again. But this time the phone in my bedroom WAS plugged in (lesson learned) and I got to work as quick as possible! But no shower and out of sorts. For God's sake Lesley Roy came in the studio....look at how awful I look!

I'm the one with the hat and glasses. Yup. That would be my no shower look. I still feel icky from it. Good thing tomorrow is a holiday, cuz I think it will take me until Tuesday to feel normal again. Oh, and I have no idea why I overslept...noooo clue.

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