Thursday, April 24, 2008

Cluster Fudge is nutty.

Thank God for listeners. It's not every day I utter those words, but some guys make getting up at 3am a lot less painful.

First kudos go to Matt Norcia who emailed this morning suggesting that Haven's or some other fabulous candy maker, start selling Cluster Fudge. Matt's motivation was that he truly wanted to say, "Give me a pound of Cluster Fudge." When pressed about what flavor that would be, he said he wasn't sure, but he was sure it would be nutty. BRILLIANT! I'm calling candy places next week!

Then there is Tali Jones. A long time fan of the show AND Cluster Fudge. How big of a fan is she? She has proudly displayed her Cluster Fudge sticker on her car.

A small tear is in my eye for your devotion to our fake band. Now if we could only get our boss-hole to be as dedicated.

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