Friday, March 28, 2008

Happy New Year

JANUARY 01/02/08

Is it just me, or is there always a feeling of "Phew! Got through that year....and now it's time to do it all over again." I love time off. I swear, I gotta start buying more lottery tickets. I would make an excellent lazy person. Although, I did lots of wonderfully anal things:

1) Cooked: made meals and froze them. Anal.

2) Cleaned: got a bag of clothes for Good Will. Anal.

3) Thanks: got all my thank you notes done. Anal.

4) Re-loaded: filled my lotion bottle, my soap and my shampoo bottles. This is the most anal of all. I have these bottles that either fit my shower, or my storage and of course they no longer make that sized bottle or I have to keep it and fill it. I'm now all set for at least the first few weeks of 2008. Ahhhhh, it's good to be me.

I love being anal retentive. It's thanks to us in the world that you can find anything at all in this world. Time off gives me time to be super-duper anal.

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