Sunday, December 21, 2008


Broke out the ol' snow shoes this weekend. Seemed liked the thing to do with this amazing snow! I'm loving it on the weekend! Not sure I'll be as happy tomorrow morning around 2am before work.

Anyway, back to the snow shoes. This is the thing that ripped off the back of my heel last year and I could feel it rubbing it, but I survived.

Now, about snow shoeing...IT'S HARD! My God, I huff and puff like I'm 90! I go with my BFF (so I can be sure to have a witness to my exhaustion). At one point she was saying something to me like, "Isn't the snow pretty?" And I was seeing stars from being completely wiped out plus, sooo cold and sweating - all at the same time.

My BFF repeated, "Isn't the snow pretty?" 5 times before I understood what she was trying to tell me. I explain this as SSBD or Snow Shoe Brain Damage. I think I pulled a muscle out there and that muscle is the gray one inside my skull.

Thank God for the Patriots kicking total butt!


Katie said...

Snowshoe, schmoeshoe! I wanna know how your Snow Scoop worked ;)

Lori Voornas said...

hehehehehe. I don't know how the snow scoop works! The last two storms were too big for the scoop! I never had a chance to play before the condo guy took care of it. Sooooo, I gotta get me a 4" storm and I will let ya know!