Saturday, November 29, 2008


I went down to NH to spend Thanksgiving with my "adopted" family. It's where I've spent the last 17 Thanksgivings. It was a wonderful time, made even better by Teddy coming with! My adopted family is my bff's family who have taken me in pretty much since I moved to Maine.

We invited Teddy because his family is all the way down in Boston, and we wanted him to come with us. Plus...I wanted to hang out with Teddy to pick his brain. He was recently laid off from his full time slot to part time. That would by why you now hear Ryan Seacrest in the afternoon. I can't get into exactly how I feel, but let me just say that we are all very disappointed with this decision and devastated at the loss of one of the greatest radio guys ever.

But this blog is about of the best holidays ever. It revolves around food and you don't have to buy any presents.

Teddy and I had a great time. He's like a brother to me. I actually have two brothers, but feel closer to Teddy than my actual blood brothers. My favorite part about Teddy is that he really cracks me up. I love that about I laughed a lot this Thanksgiving. And now my "adopted" family wants him to come for Christmas.

I did learn that wine, turkey and pie adds up to this:

My God...could this photo be more unflattering? And watch the hand Teddy McKay! I don't care if your hours have been cut! I would have to count this Thanksgiving in the top 5!


The Buck Shoots Here said...

I had a Thanksgiving that looked sorta like that... mine involved turkey, wine, pie, AND bourbon. Thankfully, no pics exist of exactly what it looked like.

For the record, I listen to JBQ for the personalities, not for the music. I'm over the teeny-bopper phase, but you all just crack me up so I tune in. Management should know that. I should write them a letter...

Crystal said...

I just found your blog! I agree with previous post. I like some of the music, but I only listen to Q97 for the Morning Show. So sad about Teddy. He seems like a really great guy.
Love your posts, however I don't know how you have time to cook all this unique fabulous food. I can barely do groceries!!

Crystal said...

oh yeah, here is a food blog you may love. She has awesome recipes and fantabulous photos!!!

If you like desserts, look up the dulce de leche cheesecake squares! Time consuming, but not too difficult to make and oMG, mouthwatering!

Lori Voornas said...

Thanks for the comments Rach and Cyrstal! I love them! Thanks for the food blog too!