Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Ohhhhhhhh nooooooo! I have to go back to work tomorrow. I squeaked in an extra day in there. I love listening to the show and hearing Meredith and Jeff bitch about doing the news. Hello?! I do it every ding dong day.

Okay - onto what I have filled my days with for the final two days. I have done an awful lot of walking around. It's the benefit of living so close to town. So, as I walked to get pizza the other night (by the way I wussed out and got a cab for the ride home....WUSS!) I saw some dude walking down Congress Street with a friggin' snake wrapped around his neck like a scarf? Man...there are a lot of weirdos out there.

I made my grilled tuna with the Japanese marinade. Not too shabby and my tomato gratin (got the recipe from the Portland Press Herald) was great! Of course, you put 8 tablespoons of butter in anything and it will be great!

I have been doing stupid stuff that I never have time to do. Like for instance (you'll love this one) I duct taped a 50 pound bag of sand that I hoist up onto my washing machine whenever I do laundry to keep that sucker from shaking off it's perch. I know, I know...totally a loser thing to do. But, it's now done.

I never did get to cleaning out my 3rd floor closets that have become a haven for "shoving stuff" in there. I just couldn't stay inside with the weather so nice. I will do that my next winter staycation!

Today (Tuesday the 2nd) I have been doing my favorites for one last time. Getting up and getting my DD coffee, the paper and doing the Eastern Prom walk with my backpack filled with water. Then I have actually been doing some work and planning the shows for the rest of the week. I think we will have some pretty fun shows.

Actually right now between the kids screaming next door (when does that INSIDE voice kick in anyway?) and the crows I'm getting annoyed as all hell. Ahhhhh, the things you find to bitch about, eh?

I am amazed that people have been reading this blog. It makes me want to blog more. I will try to do it daily - but you may be amazed at just how boring my life can get. I tend to love and hate the routine of it all. I strive so hard to find that rhythm and then when I get it going...I need something to break me out of it. I find that to be a very much Lori trait. My God - I'm rambling.

Okay - I'm off to start gathering the news for tomorrow. Meredith and Jeff are right, I hate doing the news too :)

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