Thursday, August 28, 2008


What gorgeous weather we have been having! Yes, I just knocked on wood. Played tennis for the first time this season. The reason my tennis playing has taken a turn to NOT playing is "Daniell From The Office"...we'll call her DFTO from now on. She left our office for another office and's harder to get together.

But I'm on staycation and she was up for playing. I don't get to see DFTO as often as I'd like, but I talk to her alllll the time. She is my best bud. Usually when we play tennis, I overheat immediately and have to have water. Now, I'm about 15 years older than DFTO, so cut me some slack.

Well, today while we were playing, DFTO kept asking if I needed to take a break...I told her I was good. She's so thoughtful to ask. Then she asked one more time, "Are you SURE you don't need a break?!" Then I thought, "Do you?" She did.

Now here is where I would usually run around proudly saying that I outlasted DFTO for a break! But it's not even remotely fair:

a) she had to work this morning and had been up for 8 hours by the time I saw her
b) I got a full 8 hours of sleep and had done nothing that morning
c) she can kick my ass

But it was kinda nice to not have to be the one who needed a break. We may play again tomorrow...although she warned me not to blog about it or she wouldn't play. I told her no one reads my blog. I think I may have convinced her.

Oh, then I made a ton of turkey meatballs (two kinds - ricotta/basil and garlic/parmesean) and froze them to have for meals during the week. Jeff geeks out over trains and I geek out over food.

I'm about to chow down, lick my wounds from a walk off Yankee win and relax. This staycation thing is exhausting!

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