Monday, May 26, 2008


Someone emailed me something that I found amazing. Maybe you know about this, maybe I'm the only one on the planet who did not know this! If you grab your foil, or seran wrap or generic box of wrap, pick it up and look at the skinny end. See that? It says, "Press here to lock end." It's a friggin' little tab that holds the roll in place. AND IT'S ALWAYS BEEN THERE!

I was so excited about my new discovery, that I called my mom in Idaho and told her to go grab her foil! She did and was excited as I told her in shortened breath that I was about to teach her something that was going to change her life! I told her about the tabs and this is what she said:

"I know about that already honey."

What?! What kind of a lousy mom holds that information from her children?! She thought it was "cute" that I didn't know about it. The years I have flung the roll out of the container and tried desparately to find the end of the seran wrap could have been avoided! Mom apologized that she never told me that...after she stopped laughing.

Did you know that?


Anonymous said...

Kathy with a K did NOT know about that, but i will be walking over to my wrap drawer and checking that out NOW!

Lori Voornas said...

Yea! I have spread joy in the world!


Nikki said...

wow that's cool, I had no idea!